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Reserving studio space
If you are enrolled in a class that utilizes studio space you can reserve Studio A (245B), Studio B (221B), Studio C (231B) or the Whisper Room inside Studio A (245B). Please fill out the Reserving Studio Space Form at least 24-hours in advance. Please indicate everyone who will be involved in your production and carefully read the instructions for using the studio. After your request, you will receive an email notifying you of approval or if there is a reservation conflict. After your shoot, you are required to clean the studio. Any items left behind could result in adding a custodian fee of $125. Requesting a reservation is not a guarantee of access to the space.
It is strongly recommended to have sit-down session with the Production Unit manager (Angela Looney) to provide written details of your project. This would include:
- A list of properties and other accessories that will be used during the project (e.g. flooring for set, glass dishes and plants).
- Any other equipment that will be used for production, that does not belong in Studio A, B, C, Whisper Room or Equipment Checkout.
Please schedule a sit-down session via email to Angela Looney.
Studio space rules
It shall be understood that reserving the studio is a privilege, and at any given time that privilege shall be revoked if my conduct, or the conduct of any other person involved in my project is not in accordance to the rules laid down for studio use.
- Studio is available for course-related use by students currently enrolled in a Cinematic Arts or Communications Studies course.
- Prior Faculty knowledge and approval of your project is required.
- Studio is available only when monitored.
- Studio may be scheduled for use Monday thru Friday between 8:30am and 4:30pm unless in conflict with a class using it.
- Request for use must include your name and the names of other persons to be present with you while in the Studio.
- Request for use must be made a minimum of 24 hours prior to the intended use.
- Studio is not available for use if that would conflict with a class using it.
- If you are more than 15 minutes late for your scheduled Studio time, your time may be seized for another use.
- You are responsible for studio cleanup when your project is finished. $125 charge for failure to cleanup.
- Absolutely NO spray paint or other aerosols, no open flame, heat or smoke or fog generator. Setting off the fire alarm will result in a $1,400 charge to your U-Bill.
- Scheduling will be coordinated by the Production Unit Manager Angela Looney.
Our office is located in Room 230 Becker Communication Studies Building (BCSB)